Government espionage definition
Government espionage definition

government espionage definition

This information pertains only to information about the communications intelligence systems and activities of the United States. § 798: Prohibits the knowing and willful transmission of specified classified information to an unauthorized person. § 795, 797: Prohibits the unauthorized creation, publication, sale, or transfer of photographs or sketches of vital defense installations or equipment, as defined by the President. § 793: Provides that a person who lawfully possesses or has access to “information respecting the national defense,” and who willfully discloses that information to someone not authorized to receive it, may be subject to imprisonment for up to ten years, a fine up of up to $25,000, or both. § 793(d), has been used to prosecute disclosure of classified information to the media. § 641: Criminalizes the theft or conversion of government property or records for one’s own use or use of another person. Instead Congress has enacted a patchwork of laws since the Act to allow for the prosecution of individuals who sell, or even leak, classified information to person unauthorized to receive it. Violation of regulations of National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationĬontrary to popular opinion, the Huffington Post reported in 2012 that there is no on specific law that criminalizes the disclosure of classified information.Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign governments during a time of war.Publication and sale of photographs of defense installations.Use of aircraft for photographing defense installations.Photographing and sketching defense installations.

government espionage definition

Harboring or concealing persons who have committed or are about to commit either of the above offenses.Gathering or delivering defense information to aid foreign governments.

government espionage definition

  • Gathering, transmitting, or losing defense information.
  • government to other foreign agencies or entities. Espionage crimes tend to involve the collection and/or distribution of sensitive or even classified defense information from the U.S. The shocking arrest last year of a ranking American Navy officer on espionage and attempted espionage charges once again brought the issue of military “spying” into the public discourse.Įspionage is a general category of federal crimes defined under Chapter 37 of the United States Code. The Government indicted more than 2,000 individuals under a section of the Act which made it a crime, punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000 to “make or convey false reports or false statements with intend to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States” and to “cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty in the military or naval forces … or … willfully obstruct the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States.” The government secured 1,005 convictions under this section, including that of presidential candidate and leader of American Socialist Party Eugene Debs. The Act was instead used primarily to attack the civil liberties of people who dared to speak out against the war, mostly leftist-leaning activists and civil libertarians. While the Act criminalized acts of espionage and treason, not a single person was indicted, much less convicted, of either offense during World War I. Congress on June 15, 1917, and they became known as the Espionage Act of 1917 (“Act”). Those pieces of legislation were enacted into law by the U.S. Senator Charles Culberson of Texas and Representative Edwin Webb of North Carolina responded by introducing legislation to address potential espionage and treason. Congress a declaration of war against Germany. The ugly mood of war gripped the nation on Apwhen President Woodrow Wilson sought from the U.S.

    Government espionage definition